COMEBACK PREORDER #1 - Category: Clubbing Look

If you’re interested in purchasing any of the products, please email to and, indicating the following details:
Your name
Contact number
Category (under clubbing or cutiepie/sweetiepie/decent or casual/office)
Item name(s) followed by the colour e.g. “Theresa (blue)”
Total quantity you are purchasing
Mode of payment
Mode of collection
Comments/enquiries (optional)

Alternatively, you can scroll to the bottom and fill in the order form. (If you like what you’re seeing, join our mailing list! Just refer to the sidebar of the blogshop, it’s quick & easy!)

Order Form:

Real name:
Email Address (please double check):
Contact no.:
Category (Clubbing or Sweetiepie/cutiepie/decent or casual/office wear)
Item name followed by the colour (do include alternatives if possible in case they're out of stock!):
Mode of payment: POSB transfer (preferred)
i've no posb acc! HOW?
Mode of delivery:
Mailing address (if you opted for postage)
How do you get to know this shop?

This contact form was created by Freedback.